Lenahan Law Firm Blog

Cognitive Distractions and Their Role in Car Accidents

A woman applying lipstick whilst driving.

Most drivers know the dangers of physical distractions, such as using a cell phone or eating while behind the wheel. Drivers are equally familiar with the risks posed by visual distractions like slowing down to stare at an accident scene or searching the car floor for a lost item. However, one distraction that often goes unnoticed is cognitive distraction, which can pose as much of a risk as any physical or visual diversion. As a responsible motorist, it’s crucial to guard against such cognitive distractions for your well-being and the safety of others.

Understanding Cognitive Distractions

Cognitive distraction constitutes anything that diverts your attention away from driving – even a memory or dream that mentally distracts you from the road can be categorized as a cognitive distraction. Keeping your focus when your mind is filled with distracting thoughts is challenging. The effects of cognitive distractions can even be just as dangerous as those caused by drowsy or intoxicated driving. Here’s how:

Just like other distractions take your eyes from the road or hands from the wheel, cognitive distractions divert your mental focus away from your current actions.

Examples of Cognitive Distractions

Countless types of cognitive distractions have the potential to cause or contribute to a car crash – this includes any thought, emotion, feeling, conversation, activity, or mental diversion that shifts your focus away from driving. Below are a few of the most common cognitive distractions:

Drivers must actively work towards preventing distracted driving in all its forms and must strive to avoid cognitive distractions while on the road. Refraining from multitasking at the wheel is vital. Ensure you focus all visual, physical, and cognitive attention on the action of driving.

After a Distracted Driving Accident in Dallas

Contact a car accident lawyer for support if you’re involved in a collision where you believe the other driver was distracted. Establishing a case for cognitive distraction can be challenging, particularly if the other driver refuses to accept blame. Your attorney may have to argue your case based on circumstantial evidence, such as the absence of braking before the collision, since not applying the brakes could signify a distraction on the part of the other driver.

At The Lenahan Law Firm, our Dallas distracted driving accident lawyers have the experience, skills, and resources to take on significant, challenging cases and get you the compensation you need. Call us to discuss your case free of charge at (214) 295-1008 today.

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